Green Pond
4411 Green Pond Road
Easton, PA 18045
(610) 253-2731
United Methodist Church
Our worship service is Sundays at 10:00.
During this time you are welcome to come into the sanctuary, or join us online. The recorded service is available throughout the week from our website and the sermon is available on Facebook.
The musical style is blended, including classic hymns and contemporary praise songs. We are blessed with musicians from different musical backgrounds, with different gifts and we celebrate them all, so you will hear the influence of gospel, jazz, handbells and choirs.
During the service, there is nursery care, and from September-June, children’s Sunday school. We also have a “prayground” area in the sanctuary for little ones who may need a little more space.
After the service, join us in the lobby for a time of hospitality and fellowship (hint, it is delicious!)

Green Pond United Methodist Church
4411 Green Pond Road
Easton, PA 18045
Tel: 610-253-2731